What’s the best Eufy robotic vacuum cleaner of 2023 reviews

best Eufy robotic vacuum cleaner

Eufy is well known for manufacturing high-quality robotic vacuum cleaners for affordable prices. If you’re looking for a reliable and easy to use robovac that won’t break the bank, you’ll want to select one of the best Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners.


In this article, we’ll explore the current Eufy robovac range. We’ll compare their features, performance, and price, making it easy for you to find the perfect one for your home.


With so many great options to choose from, we’ll help you find the best Eufy robotic vacuum cleaner for your home and budget.



Current product range

There are currently 6 models in the Eufy robotic vacuum collection, these are:

  • Eufy Clean X9 Pro review
  • Eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid review
  • Eufy RoboVac X8 review
  • Eufy Clean G40+ review
  • Eufy RoboVac G30 review
  • Eufy RoboVac G30 Hybrid review



What’s the best Eufy robotic vacuum cleaner?

The best Eufy robot vacuum cleaners are the RoboVac G30 and the RoboVac X8 Hybrid. Users highly rate both models as they offer strong suction, quiet operation, and longer battery life.



How do they compare to other leading brands?

You’re spoilt for choice when choosing a robovac, with hundreds of options available, including one from Dyson. So it makes sense to compare the Eufy range with other leading brands.


Let’s start with Dyson, which has offered several robotic vacuum cleaners over the last 5 years. While they were more advanced units, Dyson built larger robovacs that didn’t fit under furniture. Eufy models are far more affordable, nimble, and easily fit under most furniture.


The iRobot Roomba range is a classic, having been one of the first companies to develop robotic vacuum cleaners. However, they are more expensive and slightly noisier than the Eufy range.


Roborock is another well-known brand. While their models are slightly more expensive than the Eufy range, they offer a better range of features, including a self-cleaning mop attachment and a 3D mapping system.



What we love about Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners

Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners are known for being affordable, reliable, and effective.


Highly affordable, Eufy robovacs are superb if you’re looking for a quality vacuum cleaner without breaking the bank. Plus, they are quiet. So you’ll be able to work or sleep while yours is running.


Designed to last and built with high-quality materials, Eufy offers a 12-month warranty on its robotic vacuum cleaners. So, you can be confident that you are making a good investment.


Every model uses a powerful suction motor and offers a variety of cleaning modes to choose from. You can easily clean both hard floors and carpets using your Eufy device.


Some models have advanced smart features such as mapping, selective cleaning, and no-go zones. These features allow you to control your vacuum cleaner with your smartphone or voice assistant.



How much does they cost?

With models ranging from £200 to £800, Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners are highly affordable and widely available.



Anything to be aware of?

While the Eufy brand is generally well-liked, there are a few things that people don’t like about them.


Some older models can be noisy, which can cause issues if you are trying to vacuum while you are sleeping or working. They can sometimes get stuck on wires, furniture, or other obstacles.


While Eufy is generally praised for its battery technology, some models have a short battery life. So you might your unit stopping halfway through cleaning your home to recharge. It’ll then restart from when it left off and complete vacuuming your floors.


Some models aren’t as effective at cleaning pet hair as other brands. So you might struggle to keep your floors completely clean if you have a dog or cat.


Compared to other brands, some Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners are not as feature-rich as other brands. Certain models might struggle to effectively map your home or avoid obstacles.



Where can you find support?

There are plenty of ways to contact Eufy, including social media, email, phone, and live chat. Plus, they have an excellent help section on their website.



A little brand history

Founded in 2016, Eufy is part of Anker Innovations, one of the world’s leading and most trusted consumer electronics brands. They are developing a new generation of connected devices and appliances that work seamlessly together to simplify the complete smart home experience.


The company’s motto is “Smart Home Simplified” and you can see it in the devices and appliances they release. From laser-guided robotic vacuum cleaners to wireless security cameras and wireless security systems, every Eufy product is developed using cutting-edge technologies and is designed for your convenience.



Discontinued Eufy robotic vacuum cleaners

Eufy discontinued models to make way for newer, more advanced models. Here are some of their previous robovac models:


RoboVac 11, RoboVac 30, RoboVac 11s, RoboVac G10 Hybrid.