Does Alexa work with Google Chromecast?

Many of us can’t live without our Google Chromecast. TV just isn’t as flexible without one. Not to mention the amount of Cool things Alexa can do to help you simplify your life. So you might want to know does Alexa work with Google Chromecast?
As two of the most popular smart home devices, it would be nice if they did work together. However, as they are developed by competing brands, they don’t. Each technology is completely unique to the brand.
Sadly, Amazon has developed Alexa for their range of smart home products. Similarly, Google has built the Chromecast around their own technology, which is also found in Google Home products.
Rather than worrying does Alexa work with Google Chromecast, let’s explore the difference between Amazon Alexa and Google Home products. We’ll also discuss the best way to set up and use Chromecast and Google Home.
Why can’t Amazon Alexa function with Google Chromecast?
As competitors, Amazon and Google don’t want their technological secrets being leaked to the other. So, while it might surprise you that you can’t use Alexa with Chromecast, that’s life!
Compare this situation to Z-Wave home automation system, which use a dedicated chip to delivers smart functionality. Each manufacturer can keep their unique technology secret yet the Z-Wave chip enables you to build a bespoke automation system.
However, like most things in life, Google and Amazon play by their own rules! Each company uses a unique ecosystem to ensure device security and to force you to choose between the two. While, nothing new, especially for the tech world, as the end-user, it’s disappointing.
But, surely, there’s a way to integrate the two?!
Many early adopters of smart home tech enjoy solving complex problems and have the skills to do so! So, if you absolutely must use your Amazon Alexa to control your Chromecast, there is a way.
The ideal starting point is to read and implement this Alexa Chromecast Skill from GitHub. Not for the faint-hearted or easily bored, as this does take some time and more advanced tech skills. Thankfully, it’s pretty straightforward once you get going.
Before you get started, you’ll need:
- An Amazon Web Services account
- Ensure your Chromecast and Alexa device connected to the same Wi-Fi network
- You will need a UNIX environment set up which essentially allows you to install new hardware onto the device through a series of codes and configurations.
After you’ve configured the software to allow the different hardware to communicate, you’ll be able to ask Alexa commands such as “Alexa tell Chromecast to set the volume to 5”.
Of course, this isn’t the simplest solution as you could use Google Assistant for voice control over your Chromecast rather than having to try and configure your Amazon device to work with your Google smart streaming device.
Why only using Google Home products might be best
On the surface, Alexa and Google Assistant seem quite similar. They both convert voice commands into text using Natural Language Processing, which is a type of Artificial intelligence or AI.
However, as you explore the Google world, you’ll quickly realise it offers more features. It’s worth remembering that Google owns YouTube (the world’s largest video library), Google suite and Android software (used by many smartphones).
If you have an Android phone, then you’ll probably be using multiple Google products, some without releasing. For example, your photos, contacts, calendar and documents all sync to the Google cloud, allowing you access from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection.
Adding a Chromecast allows you to turn your normal TV into a smart one, while also enabling you to watch, view and listen to files you’ve already saved to the Google Cloud.
That not to say Amazon is behind the curve, especially if you consider their Fire TV stick, which is very similar in function to the Google Chromecast. It’s just that the Amazon smart home ecosystem is different.
If you own a Chromecast, you’ll want the easiest way to integrate your devices into your home. Either consider buying a Google Nest Mini or upgrading to a Chromecast with Google TV as the remote allows controls using voice commands.
Setting up a Chromecast with Google Home
Getting your Chromecast set up with Google Home takes a few simple steps. First, you’ll want to link your Google Home with your Google Home app.
On your phone or tablet:
- Open the Google Home app
- Click the “+” icon in the top left corner, then “Set up device” followed by “New device”
- Follow the prompts provided to set up your device.
Then, to connect your Google Home to Chromecast:
- Connect Chromecast to the TV
- Turn on the TV and set it to the right input
- Open the Google Home app on your phone or tablet
- Tap Devices on the top right corner
- Press Add New Device
- The device will walk you through how to connect to the Wi-Fi
- Go to the Wi-Fi settings and choose ChromecastXXXX network. The numbers and letters at the end are different for every user
- Go back to the Google Home app and click Continue
- Make sure the codes on the app and the code on the TV match
- Select your region, then continue
- Name your Chromecast and practice the Voice Commands that it prompts
- Choose the Wi-Fi you want to use with the Chromecast
- Enter the Wi-Fi password, then continue
- Sign in to your Google Account
- Control the Chromecast using your voice.
You can tell Google Home to do virtually anything involving the Chromecast now that you have the two integrated. You can tell it to play music, start a YouTube Video, Cast content from Netflix to your TV, and so much more!
So, does Alexa work with Google Chromecast?
Sadly, getting Alexa and Chromecast to work together in harmony is impossible as both Google and Amazon want to protect their unique technology. And this situation is unlikely to ever change.
While we’ve shown you a solution that allows you to use Alexa with a Chromecast, it does involve some basic programming skills.
That said, you can still use Google Home products with Google Assistant for voice control, while having access to all of your files stored in the Google Cloud. It couldn’t be simpler to use voice commands to operate your Chromecast!