Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray player comparison

Comparing the Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray players is a tall order. Both units play a range of file formats, feature-packed and are affordable. Look a little closer, and you’ll see they are different beasts.
Comparing 4K Blu-ray players is tricky as they all claim to offer multiple superior features, despite the generic black boxy design. And while some will still choose to buy based on their brand preference, it’s worth directly comparing the DP-UB450 and UBP-X700 to see which is superior.
If you’re struggling to decide between the Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700, and want an honest, direct comparison, we’ve done the hard work for you!
Panasonic DP-UB450 Blu-ray player overview

photo by Panasonic
Delivering cinema-quality entertainment, the Panasonic DP-UB450 Blu-ray player sports a compact design. It plays Ultra HD Blu-rays, 3D Blu-rays, Full HD Blu-rays, and DVDs. You can also listen to your audio CDs using the unit.
Playing media at four times the resolution of a standard Blu-ray disc, each image has incredible depth, natural motion, and realism. Panasonic’s HCX (Hollywood Cinema Experience) processor delivers Hollywood studio-level picture quality.
The unit also supports all High Dynamic Range (HDR) formats, including Dolby Vision and HDR10+. Supporting Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundtracks, enjoy an immersive sound equal to the impressive 4k image quality.
Compatible with both Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. Plus, as Google Home integrates with services such as Google Photos and Google Maps, you can easily access all of your own content.
Offering dual HDMI sockets, the DP-UB450 is highly flexible while ensuring the ultimate picture and sound quality.
Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray player overview

photo by Sony
Bring your movies to life with a Sony UBP-X700 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player. It produces astounding images with superb audio quality to match. Enjoy all of your favourite movies on Blu-rays and DVDs, and music CDs. A USB port on the front extends the range of playable media.
Displaying images in the highest 4K quality, even on an HD TV, you’ll notice the difference with brighter whites and deeper blues. The audio is equally as rich and the unit also works with Dolby Atmos.
More than just a Blu-ray player, the built-in wireless connection gives you access to online streaming services. If you prefer, you can hardwire the unit to your router using an Ethernet cable. Once online, you can use your smartphone or tablet to control the unit.
The Sony UBP-X700 has 2 HDMI sockets and coaxial for easy connectivity.
The Sony has a slightly sleeker look with a more interesting design over the traditional black box of the Panasonic. That said, they are both are black, square and boxy!
It doesn’t take long to spot design differences. The primary example of this is the Sony UBP-X700 is better constructed than the Panasonic. It does feel like they used the majority of the DP-UB450 budget on technology and little on the design or manufacture.
The Sony unit feels more rigid and can withstand some abuse, while the Panasonic device feels a little flimsy, especially the disc tray. In addition to playing disc formats, both units allow you to enjoy content from a USB storage drive.
Both have similar looking front panels and offer identical connectivity options on the rear. Neither unit has control buttons on them, instead, both require you to operate them using a remote.
Winner: Sony
As both units are 4k Blu-ray players that handle a range of formats, such as Blu-rays, DVDs, and CDs, comparing them is tricky. Not to mention the flexibility provided by the USB ports on both units.
Each uses an in-house designed chip. Sony doesn’t state which chipset they use, whereas Panasonic uses their HCX (Hollywood Cinema Experience) processor designed to display studio picture quality.
The Panasonic DP-UB450 Supports HDR formats, including HDR10+ and Dolby Vision and tweaks every image for optimum visuals. Sony’s unique technology lets you playback HDR-encoded discs on any TV in the highest possible picture quality and also supports Dolby Vision.
Both play High-Resolution Audio files (AIFF, WAV, and FLAC) and support Dolby Atmos. The Panasonic unit also supports DTS:X. While the Sony Blu-ray player can play SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc).
A feature only present on the Panasonic DP-UB450 is voice commands using either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.
The internet capabilities on the Sony UBP-X700 are far superior to the Panasonic. With the UBP-X700, you can easily enjoy a range of streaming services (Netflix, Prime and YouTube) in 4K. Plus, you can connect to the internet via Ethernet or onboard Wi-Fi.
Winner: Sony
When it comes to connectivity, both units offer the exact same options. They both have a power input, LAN port and 2 HDMI outputs (1x video and audio, 1 x audio only) and a separate digital audio output.
Winner: tied
Standard warning, you need to buy your own cables, regardless of what Blu-ray player you buy. Neither Sony nor Panasonic feels the need to include any AV cables.
With that out of the way, as both offer a range of connectivity options, you can easily incorporate either into your current media set up. The most basic is to use an HDMI cable between either Blu-ray player and your TV.
If you’re running a soundbar, you can use the second HDMI port on either unit to supply the audio. Similarly, with an AV receiver, you can use the first HDMI to supply the display (TV or Projector) and the second HDMI for the receiver.
But that’s not all of the options we have. Both offer a digital coaxial output that’s ideal for feeding speaker set up. You’ll need an additional cable.
After plugging either unit in, you’ll need to use their respective remotes to complete the set up wizard. Setting up the Panasonic DP-UB450 or Sony UBP-X700 doesn’t take that long. Both offer a range of configurable settings, allowing you to tweak the picture and audio to your preferences.
Once you’re up and running, it’s worth first trying Blu-rays, DVDs and CDs. When you’re happy, try playing content from the USB and finally, connect to the internet using an Ethernet cable and enjoy access to even more content.
The Sony UBP-X700 is superior when it comes to internet capabilities. So, if you invest in the Sony Blu-ray player, you’ll want to explore these features.
Winner: Sony
If you’re looking for your first 4K Blu-ray player but are still running an HD TV, both units will provide you with an impressive picture upgrade. Of course, if you have a 4K TV, the improvements are even more stunning.
True to form, the Sony works fantastic out of the box. With the Panasonic, some users have experienced some glitches at the start, which magically disappear after the first use.
Both play a range of formats, including Blu-rays, DVDs and CDs. And while you might not use the USB port to play media, it gives you options.
If you’re buying a 4k Blu-ray player for your cinema room, you might prefer the Panasonic as it offers Dolby Atmos and DTS: X, allowing you two options for cinematic surround sound. Only Atmos is available on the Sony unit.
Sony’s internet functions are far better than those on the DP-UB450, meaning you can enjoy a wide range of entertainment from the start.
Winner: Sony
Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700: Which is better?

photo by Sony
To begin with, selecting between the Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray players could seem tricky. But there is a clear winner, the Sony UBP-X700.
What makes the Sony Blu-ray player stand out is the processor. Compared to Panasonic’s in-house designed processor chip, the Sony unit offers more flexibility. Offering a range of Dolby options for both audio and video, it also arrives with the YouTube app pre-installed.
Regardless of the initial resolution, they both produce a vibrant colour spectrum with high-quality audio to match. Even on a standard HD TV, there is a noticeable difference in picture quality. That said, for the best results, you’ll need to upgrade to a 4K TV.
The Sony XBP-X700 offers more streaming options and apps. The Sony has in-built Wi-Fi, a feature missing from the Panasonic. In either case, you can connect an Ethernet cable between them and your router.
The Sony works with almost zero drop-offs or buffering, particularly when hard wired into a Wi-Fi router. The Panasonic doesn’t compare in this regard.
Overall, the Sony UBP-X700 is more versatile and offers a future-proof set of features that will last for years.